113 illusion magic

▫ type - Levitation act
Interactive magic
▫ country - Ukraine
▫ Work experience:
- 1991-1995 - the actor and magic consultant in Caliostro magic theatre.
- 1993 - Raikin Award (the price of international best performer)
- 1995 - 1st price on the international magic convention in Austria.
- 1996-1997 - tour in Germany.
- 1998 - "Holiday Inn"(Cheju Do, Korea).
- 1999-2000 - Lotte World (Seoul,Korea).
- 2000 - magician and magic consultant of Las Vegas Magic Express Show
with Kevin James ("Sheraton Walkerhill",Korea).
- 2001 - Magic Tour with best world magicians (Japan).
- 2002 - Europa-Park (Germany).
- 2003 - producer and honorary member of International Magicians Society.
- 2004-2012 - producer and showdirector of Palazzo Diner-show (Germany).
- 2004-2005 - producer and showdirector of dinner show in Dijon (France).
- 2006 - actor and show-director of Apollo-variety in Dusseldorf.
- 2007 - actor and show-director of Winter Garden Variety in Berlin.
- 2009 - special price in Monte Carlo on the "Monte Carlo Magic Star's
- 2011 - special project with bestamerican magician Franz Harrary.
- 2011 - finalist of Uri Geler shwo "Phenomen".
- 2012 - Magic Feet Act in top 5 of Best Magic Act's.
- 2012-2013 - Vlad is actor and magic consultant in "OH-LA-LA SHOW"
and "SALTO NATALE SHOW" (European branch of "Du Soleil Circus")
- 2014 - Merlin award (Oscar in Magic, president of IMS (International magic
- 2015 - open-air show in France TV, Italian TV, TV show in Columbia, TV
show in Brasilia.
- 2016 - magician and magic consultant in TV show "KING OF
MAGIC" (Japan), special guest and producer ofmagic convention’s in
- 2017 - Tour with best world magicians in France.
- 2017-2018 – contract with Rixos Dubai.
- 2019 – Hiton Circus Show ( China)
From 1991 until now Vlad is magic consultant, magician's and magic
producer on the best TV- project's: Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde,
Phenomenon Show with Uri Geller, Dance's with stars (German version), Italy
Got Talent and many other's